Sunday, January 6, 2019

Happy New Year!

Here it is 2019, we have been home for 2 months enjoying family, friends and this season. Trying to get put back together and find things.

   It’s time to close this blog and print it into a book.

  We will always be grateful for the eternal friendships, increase of our knowledge of Jesus Christ and the love of the Argentine people we received in this wonderful calling.
  Our thanks to our daughter LeAnn who made this blog possible and was so diligent in keeping it updated. Our thanks to all who have read it and the opportunity of sharing our testimonies and the great experiences we had while in our beloved Argentina.  Our thanks to all our family and all who supported us in so many different ways and made our mission a wonderful experience.

   What did we learn while we were on our mission?
1. We learned that there are some wonderful places in the world, each with unique attractions, blessings and challenges.
2.   We learned that South America is a magnificent country, with great beauty and wonders to be appreciated.
3.   We learned that the Latin America people are the kindest, most loving people.  Material things mattered little to them.  Loving others is the most important, family is everything and kindness to strangers is part of their soul.  They are passionate in their faith and love of God and his prophets.
4.   We learned that the Church is a worldwide organization with so much attention to detail and caring for the needs of the members and missionaries.
5.   We learned that the leaders of the Church in all parts of the world are truly called of God and inspired to do the things that are best for their people.
6.   We learned that senior missionaries are so amazingly dedicated to serving – leaving the comforts of home and willing to brave sometime difficult circumstances to fulfill their calling and serve others.
7.   We learned our beloved youth missionaries are strong, faithful and powerful in their faith.  They go through such hard circumstances, living conditions, struggles with a foreign language, rain, mud, food, challenging people and yet always have a smile on their face and a fire in their eyes that is impossible to ignore. They listen to the spirit and serve with their heart, mind and souls living a consecrated life.
8.   We learned that the Lord blesses everyone, but seems to go out of his way to heap blessings on those who serve and do their best to follow the commandments and to serve others.
9.   We learned that spending 24/7 with your companion enriched and magnified a love that you thought was already spectacular to begin with.
10. We strengthened our testimony.  We know that God lives, His son Jesus Christ came to earth to save us all, that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true and the principles it teaches us will help us return to him.

We’re so grateful we had a chance to serve.  We would encourage all, both young and old, who have an opportunity to go to serve.   You’ll never regret it.

We wish all, at this New Year our love and desire that you have the best year ever!

What a wonderful journey!


Ron & Helen

Friday, September 28, 2018


Hola!  Spring is on its way. 
  We were able to attend the Area Mission leadership conference in Uruguay the end of August.  Elder Rasband and Elder Godoy along with our Area Presidency spoke to us.  It was wonderful to listen to them and have them answer questions,  give counsel and blessings.
Elder Rasband told us that Pres. Nelson said :
1.  Tell them that I love them.
2.   Tell them all thank you.  Thanks for the service, diligence, for being a consecrated congregation.  All have raised hands in sacred places saying, covenanting that you would sacrifice and would consecrate. 
You and the missionaries are living the law of consecration now, and they are grateful.

  I have really thought a lot about that since he spoke.  Thinking what have we learned here on our mission and what could we share.   First I would like you to know that I know that the Holy Ghost can whisper to you and help in all that you do.  Each of us can receive personal revelation and our prayers are answered in many different ways.  I also know that you should never compare.  You need to just try and do a little better than you did before.  Let others do their own thing and you focus on what you can do to be better, serve a little harder, love a little more and share and care a little more.
“Comparison is the thief of contentment”

 I know that we were called to focus on members and missionaries working together. We have been blessed to help facilitate these interactions.   It has strengthened our testimonies.  It has made us more aware of the dedication and love of a missionary.   How grateful we are for the sacrifice of these young missionaries.  Again I marvel at what they accomplish and overcome.   Thank you!  Always remember you love those you serve.

 Yesterday we spent the day at the Boca Stake Center working with CILSA and our humanitarian missionaries.  We had Mike and Ron in from the States.  Mike is a physical therapist and worked with this program for the past 7 years.   The church sent 970 wheelchairs to the Argentine Area this year. Each year they provide 1/3 of those chairs for the center.  The church has designed and had manufactured 3 different models. Adjusted to size, height and making it easier for each individual to navigate on cobblestone and dirt roads as well as be active so they can be more flexible.   We helped as they measured, fit and helped 67 individuals receive a new wheelchair.  Each team lovingly greeted, fit and adjusted a wheel chair for their individual needs.  We saw them come in on walkers, being carried, in old chairs and leave with the biggest smile and excitement with a chair just for them.  Ron got to greet and check them in and out and I got to visit and help them get breakfast and lunch.   (A visit to me is a hug and a smile and hola, como esta!)  This was one of the highlights of our mission - emotions were very tender.  We are so grateful for the blessings and belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  We love how they are so service orientated. We know that we are each children of God and He loves us.

I could go on and on but it really isn’t necessary.  Just know it is a wonderful experience and that our mission has been a blessing to us and for our family.

It is hard to believe that we will be home the end of October.  Where did that year go? 
Our Love and Prayers. 

Mission Leaders Conference
Montevideo, Uruguay

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Happy September!

   I was supposed to do the one in August, but here we are beginning September, hard to believe.
   We think that we are probably most of the way through the winter here.  It hasn’t been too bad – has got down in to the 30’s at night but is generally in the 40’s and low 50’s, but it is a wet cold so you feel it more.  It’s pretty protected by the tall buildings, but when you get a long side street, it makes a wind tunnel which is pretty interesting.
   Helen got up in fast and testimony meeting and bore her testimony in Spanish, no notes, just got up there and spoke from the heart.  You could see the entire congregations sit up on the edge of their seats, just smiling and cheering her on silently, so happy that she was talking in their language.  It was wonderful to see, the spirit speaks to the people no matter what language you are talking in.
   They even had me speak in sacrament meeting.  They were very polite – oddly enough, here you don’t see a lot of people sleeping in church, so hope that it went well.
   We are involved in setting up a pilot program where the missionaries or members can take members on a tour of the chapel without the need to have banners.  They will use the art in the building to teach the major points of the first lesson in Preach My Gospel.  Most of the art work in the buildings is conducive to teaching about the Savior with a picture of Christ, baptism with a picture of John the Baptist, modern prophets with a picture of the first presidency, the original Church with the apostles, the restoration with Joseph Smith, etc.  That way, a church that is centrally located in a busy area with a lot of foot traffic can be staffed to be open more time in a week.  English classes, family history classes, etc. can be held to have people going in and out and give more opportunity.  We have  a mission president in Santiago who has the chapel on the Santiago temple block who is very excited about starting it there, since there are always many people touring the temple block and would be prime candidates for a tour.
    We had a chance to go to Casa Rosada (pink house in Spanish) which houses the executive offices of the government and where the president of the country works.  It is, not surprisingly, pink stone and is known for the balcony where Evita Peron rallied the workers of the country.  Her character is shown in the movie “Evita” singing from that balcony.  We got to go out on the balcony and look out over Plaza de Mayo.  I broke out in a few bars of “Don’t Cry for me Argentina” and the tour guide quickly hustled us on to the next part of the tour.
     We also had a chance to go to the National Cathedral there on the plaza.  An amazing building with a monument to San Martin, the George Washington of South America. 
     We went to a couple of open chapels in August in different parts of the city.  We went to a very small chapel in Canuelos which houses a small branch.  There are only a few active priesthood holders, the chapel just has a couple of long benches in a room that serves both as a chapel and a gathering place, maybe the size of a relief society room in the states.  The branch president said that branch presidents generally serve about 10 years here, due, in part to the difficulty in finding good, involved priesthood brethren.  The event really went well, with good attendance and several tours.
    We continue to have great experiences with things that seem to come together, members who come up with answers to problems other members are having, etc.  One of the mission president’s wives asked me “Tell me one thing that you have learned on your mission”.  Didn’t take but a second to respond that I’ve learned that the spirit really will talk to you and give you impressions if you are trying to do better, fulfill a calling or trying to help your family.  I’ve learned that it is important to write them down when you feel them if it doesn’t call for immediate action, because going back and reading over them reminds you of things that you need to do and reinforces the things that you should be doing.

    We have a powerful testimony of the truth of the gospel, that Christ lives and knows and loves each of us.
     Thank you, all of you, for your love and support.  We couldn’t do it without it.
Love you all,
Mom and Dad
Grandma and Grandpa
Elder y Hermana Dalby

 National Cathedral and Pink House
 Matt Deacon friend & Mirrors Casa Rosada
 Botanica jardin and more Pink House
Open Chapel

Monday, July 16, 2018

Happy July!

Happy July!
It’s my turn to write.  The time is going by so quickly.  Hard to believe that it is the middle of July.  We celebrated July 4th by treats and singing our National Anthem and singing the Argentine National Anthem (their Independence day is the 9 which was a holiday) in our lunchroom.  You know me, here I am singing our National Anthem with tears rolling down my cheeks.   It always touches me but this year more than ever being away from home.  We love it here but it’s still not home but is our home away from home.  We have taken so many things for granted living in a free country.  We are truly blessed.
  The economy here is really taking a hit.  When we arrived the US dollar was worth 17 Argentine Pesos.  Last week it was 28 pesos to one American dollar.  That’s like 40% inflation.   Anyway it is hard to see their economy when most of the people are poor and those that work are on a fixed income and their wages aren’t going up.  The young adults, families and leaders in the wards are really working to better themselves.  Many of the employees in the area office are working to learn English.  When they can speak English they are able to get into the Pathway program.  Once they complete it gives them an opportunity to get into online college at BYU Idaho and some even come to the states to school.  This gives them so many more options.
    The church is strong and growing.  We are keeping busy, with focus on temple and families for the Concepcion Temple will be dedicated in Oct.   It will be an opportunity for the people to see a temple.  We also are focusing on welcoming people and letting them know just what our church is about.  
    This month we have had the opportunity to attend a concert in the Teatro Colon and also one in a Jewish Synagogue. The Symphony Orchestra at the synagogue was really touching, a group of approximately 40 youth from Brazil.  They were youth who were from the slums and had been given the opportunity to join the orchestra.   Most of them had either lost or had a family member affected by violence or drugs.  It was amazing to listen to them and see the hope in their eyes and the determination to make a better life.  We were also able to go to El Ateneo Grand Splendid, which is a theater converted into a bookstore.  It was amazing.  4 floors with a central mezzanine you can look down and up to a painted ceiling.  The stage is a small restaurant.   Impressive.
  We are enjoying the city and getting to see more and to meet more people all the time.  We love the people, also the members in our ward and the people that we work with.  We are able to go to the temple monthly and that is a blessing as well as enjoy having the missionaries come to our house for dinner.  It brings back memories of how much young men can really eat.  It is fun to share their experiences and love for the gospel and to practice Spanish for me, and English for them.
  We hear the weather is hot in Utah. It is winter here but will start warming up in the later part of August. 
  We send our love and prayers to you all.  We love you and are doing well, healthy and happy.  We are so grateful that we chose to come on a mission and so appreciative of all your love and prayers.  Our testimonies are strengthened daily by the experiences and knowing that we have a Heavenly Father that loves and knows each one of us individually.  What a blessing! Families are forever and the gospel is true.
Enjoy one another and take good care of each other. 
Elder and Hermana Dalby, Grandpa & Grandma, Dad & Mom, & Ron & Helen

Buenos Aires Park, night, and Spanish
Jewish Synagogue
Teatro Colon
4th of July

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Fathers Day #13

   If we keep writing posts on major holidays, we will have to step it up for the 4th of July which is only in a couple of weeks.  Then it’s Labor day…..
    We want to wish a happy Father’s Day to everybody and specially the men in our family.  I am grateful for 4 kids and the opportunity I have of being a dad and grandpa.  I’m especially grateful for how wonderful my 4 kids that are fathers are.  I am so proud of how you take care of your family.
     Our temple recommends expired and so we got to go through the local bishopric counselor and the stake president to get them renewed.  So now we have a recommend that says “La Iglesia de Jesucristo” on them for the next couple of years.   
     We saw the Colon Theatre, apparently one of the great opera houses of the world.  Quite the place.  Also went to the Museum of Fine Art.  The museums are mostly free here and I suppose art lovers would like to go through a museum and see paintings by Monet and Degas.  For me, it is something that I can say that I went through an art museum and saw paintings by some famous guys.  It is a beautiful city and we really love being here.  We went to a gaucho ranch with the senior couples and got to get out of the city and see some shows and horsemanship exhibitions.
    We had a chance to go to the temple with the senior couples and the Area Presidency as they went for the final time as a presidency.  We also took the departing executive secretary couple to the airport.  They had become good friends and it was hard to see them go, but it is kind of like the old song about life being a merry go round, some get on and some get off.
    We enjoyed Pres. Nelson and his wife’s devotional with the youth.  We are far removed from being youth, but believe that if the prophet says it, it should apply to all of us.  I even stopped being on Facebook for a week, but I also heard him say that it was a good thing for us to post good saying which is something that I have been trying to do for a while, which really helps me to think of good things to think about and to say to others and hopefully will touch some hearts out there.  We have great and responsive family and friends and it is good to see others doing the same thing.
    We try to watch a conference talk every night before we go to bed, and it is a great way to go to sleep with some good counsel in your mind.  Sister Eubanks said that she tries to incorporate in her prayers to know what is the most important and best thing that she can do that day when she wakes up and others have said to pray for somebody to serve that day, so we have been trying to make that part too.  It makes a difference and lets you focus on what is important.
    We aren’t the best journal writers but would highly recommend the counsel that after a prayer or when you wake up in the middle of the night and have a thought that you write it down.  Some have suggested having a pad of paper and a pen by the bedside.  I thought it would be just as easy to have the phone right there and just open it to a note and write down what you are thinking, but you either have to turn on the night lite to see what you are writing or you hit the button on your phone and are blinded by the screen and then try to thumb out a note, you get some pretty interesting notes to read in the morning.
   Anyway, we are here to testify that if you write it down, get it straight in the morning and then act on it as soon as you can, great things happen.  We have seen miracles.  Heavenly Father knows us, knows who we are and is anxious to help us.
    Thank you so much for all your love and prayers.  It makes it possible for us to be here and to accomplish the things that we do.

Ron and Helen

President & Sister Teixeira
We will always remember and cherish their love, Christlike example
and service to the South America South Area and us.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Happy Mother's Day!

Wow it is hard to believe that it is the middle of May.  What a great day.

First and most important want to wish all a Happy Mother’s Day especially those who have had such an impact on our lives.
I’m thankful for 4 great kids and families who have given me an opportunity to be a Mom and Grandma.   We have unconditional love for each and the happiness of seeing our children grow into adults and the way they treat each other and their families brings us amazing joy.   We are indeed blessed, and our children have turned into such amazing adults, parents and friends.   I am grateful for Ron’s Mom, her example, love and dedication and for raising such an amazing son.  I’m grateful for my Mom who always believed in us and had such great love and never said a bad word about anyone, never complained and was always happy and grateful for what she had, teaching the importance of family and hard work.  What a legacy we have been given.  We hope you are all enjoying your day! 

 We have been keeping busy.  It is hard to believe that we are over the 6-month mark.  The time has really passed.  The weeks just fly by. 

Russ and Lainie came to Argentina the end of April and we were able to go to Iguazu Falls with them.  It was wonderful, the area is beautiful and it was so good to visit with them and be with family.  They were celebrating their 20th anniversary and visiting the area in Salta that Lainie served on her mission.  Iguazu was absolutely breath taking.   We were there when there was a full moon so also took the night tour of Devil’s Throat.   It was as amazing  - a whole new perspective.   We had 20K steps that day, but was worth every one of them.

We have many things going on in our area right now.  We will be getting a new Area Presidency the first of August.  We will miss Pres. Teixeira and Elder Packer but will welcome Pres. DeHoyos and Elder Valler and we get to keep Elder Bragg. 
Pres. Teixeira will be one of the 70’s presidents starting the 1st of August.   He is a kind man with such a Christ like spirit, love of the gospel, leadership and abilities to help and serve the worldwide church.  What a wonderful opportunity it is for us to serve here with them. 

We are making many fun memories.  Discovering many places in Buenos Aires, fairs, food, friends, missionaries and sites.    It is a big city 15+ Million people and the transit system is amazing.  The park with the statue of the dedication of South America by Melvin Ballard is only .5 mile from where we live. We are loving our time in Argentina, learning more and more each day loving these wonderful people.  This is probably one of the hardest things we have done but also one of the most rewarding.  It is amazing to realize that you don’t need many things to be happy and serve, although we did miss our hot water for 4+ days.  Was like camping in our apartment.  Glad we had water and a stove to heat it on.   Life is pretty simple.  Just having faith that all will be well and knowing that we are children of a Heavenly Father who loves us makes it worth it.   The gospel is true and He cares for each and every one of us.  He does have a plan. 

 If you are thinking of a mission or a senior mission, please don’t hesitate, just do it.  It is a way to share the gospel, enjoy each other, and show thanks to our Heavenly Father for the many blessing that we have received.  We promise you that you will be blessed and you will love the time and experience.  We are grateful we are here.  If you are not able to go minister where you are. Our neighbors and communities need all of our love and service.  You love those you serve and it can be done in so many simple ways.  A hug and a smile go a long way.

Enjoy your summer.  It is cooling down here and the leaves are starting to fall, a beautiful time of the year.

Thank you for your love and support!   We love you! 

Dad & Mom
Grandpa & Grandma
Elder & Hermana DalbyJ
Ron & Helen